Pinniped Predation on Salmonids

Timeline: July 2021 – December 2022

Sponsoring Agency: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)

WSAS is conducting a scientific and technical review of the science of pinniped predation on salmonids, with an emphasis on Washington’s portion of the Salish Sea and Washington’s outer coast. This project will involve review of the existing science and data around pinniped predation culminating in a report describing the science of pinniped predation, including assessment of scientific and technical aspects of potential management actions. The WSAS committee will engage with salmon co-managers, stakeholders, and scientists beyond the committee throughout the project.

On February 9, 2022, WSAS held a workshop for scientists and researchers with expertise on pinniped predation, a summary for that workshop can be found here.

On March 14, 2022, WSAS held a workshop for stakeholders, a summary for that workshop can be found here.

The WSAS Committee’s Final Report, Pinniped Predation on Salmonids in the Washington Portions of the Salish Sea and Outer Coast, is available here.

Committee Members

Daniel Schindler, Chair (UW)

Alejandro Acevedo-Gutiérrez (WWU)

Mike Etnier (Burke Museum)

Tessa Francis (Puget Sound Institute)

Ray Hilborn (UW)

Megan Moore (NOAA)

Jonathan Scordino (Makah Tribe)

Kathryn Sobocinski (WWU)

Andrew Trites (University of British Columbia)

Bold names indicate WSAS members.